Offsite 2024

Offsite 2024

The Care PMS team embarked on an exhilarating offsite retreat to Anchaviyo Resort in Wada from June 21st to 23rd, 2024. This unforgettable experience was filled with games, celebrations and meaningful discussions that brought us closer together.

Market Overview – March 2024

Global Economy and Stock Markets Global growth is projected at 3.1% in 2024 and 3.2% in 2025. The forecast for 2024–25 is, however, below the historical (2000–2019) average of 3.8%, with elevated central bank policy rates to fight inflation, a withdrawal of fiscal support amid high debt weighing on economic activity and low underlying productivity…

IA – Growth plus Value

Invest in Indian listed companies via fundamental research backed ideas to compound capital over the long-term. The Strategy involves a greater allocation towards small-cap companies exhibiting sunstantial business growth rates available at reasonable valuation.

Market Overview – December 2023

Global Economy and Stock Markets Global growth is projected at 3.1 percent in 2024 and 3.2 percent in 2025. The forecast for 2024–25 is, however, below the historical (2000–2019) average of 3.8 percent, with elevated central bank policy rates to fight inflation, a withdrawal of fiscal support amid high debt weighing on economic activity, and…

Market Overview – June 2023

Global Economy and Stock Markets Midway through 2023, the global economy is confronting a host of unusual occurrences with US unemployment at its lowest point since 1968 whereas core inflation is higher than what it was in 1983. Global growth has stabilized but the improvement is fragile. Global GDP growth is projected to grow at…